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Multilingual Typesetting services in all languages

Need multilingual typesetting services? Look no further. We can work in Adobe InDesign and Canva and produce world-class typeset documents in any language.

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Speak your audience's language

Multilingual typesetting in 150+ languages

There is more to translations than just changing words from one language to another. It is also vital that translated text appears correctly and is accessible for its readers.

Different languages have different typesetting requirements and rules, such as appropriate line height, text direction, and characters which can and can't end a line or sentence. Multilingual typesetting involves placing translated text in documents, following all of these requirements, and must be done by professionals who are well versed in this skill.

It is highly recommended that you engage a professional typesetter, particularly for non-Latin scripts, and we have a team of them ready to make your documents look professional and clean.

Only the best multingual typesetting specialists

We work exclusively with experienced and professional multilingual typesetters, also known as desktop publishers. Typesetting in different languages is extremely fiddly and requires experience and a sound understanding of a large range of language scripts.

We exclusively engage multilingual typesetting experts who produce the highest quality translated documents. After the typesetter has placed the translated text in your documents, we then get the translator to conduct another review, to give you extra peace of mind that your translated materials are displaying text correctly in whatever language they are in.

Right to Left Scripts

Did you know that many languages are written and read in the opposite direction to English? These include Arabic, Assyrian, Dari and Farsi.

It is vital that you engage a professional typesetter for these languages, as you cannot simply copy and paste translated text in these languages, as it will not display correctly and will not be well received by speakers of these languages.

Our typesetters are well acquainted with the requirements of right to left languages, and will ensure your translated materials display correctly, whatever format they are in.

Discover the Ethnolink difference today

Multilingual typesetting for every industry

Whether you need pamphlets translated using your branding and designs or posters to be displayed in multicultural hubs, we have the right translators and typesetters to get it done. We offer a full suite of services which can be tailored to your industry.

Check out some real-world case studies

For over 10 years, we've been helping our clients by professionally typesetting multilingual content, and delivering a premium quality end product. Check out some of the work we've done in this space.


R U OK? has taken an important step towards promoting connection and support for seniors by releasing videos and resources in five different languages. Recognising the diverse needs of seniors in the community, these co-created resources are available in Arabic, Greek, Korean, Simplified Chinese,...

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First Nations Foundation

First Nations Foundation's fact sheet provides 7 steps on how to manage a loved one's finances after they pass away, as part of their TomorrowMoney online resource. Translated into Torres Strait Creole, also known as Yumplatok, this fact sheet provides important financial information to individua...

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Australian Centre for Disability Law

Australian Centre for Disability Law's (ACDL) Learning Together Toolkit provides tips and resources for students with disability to get the help they need in education. Ethnolink worked together with ACDL to translate 6 Easy Read Guides into 4 languages, helping ACDL bridge communication barr...

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Crime Stoppers Victoria

Crime Stoppers Victoria launched a state-wide campaign, 'Dob in a Dealer' to encourage people to speak up and disrupt the illicit drug trade in their local communities. Ethnolink proudly provided professional translations of 'Dob in a Dealer' campaign assets into 5 languages, along with multi...

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Cancer Council South Australia

To raise awareness of a new self-collection option for Cervical Screening Tests, Cancer Council South Australia (SA) designed a wallet card to provide accessible information for women aged 25 to 74 in South Australia. This wallet card was then proudly translated into 7 languages by Ethnolink's...

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Orygen's #chatsafe resources are part of their campaign to develop the world's first set of evidence-informed tools and tips designed to support young people to communicate safely online about suicide. These resources were co-designed and developed in partnership with hundreds of stakeholders....

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Multilingual typesetting FAQs

According to Merriam-Webster, typesetting is “the process of setting material in type or into a form to be used in printing…the process of producing graphic matter (as through a computer system).”

In the context of translation, multilingual typesetting involves placing translated text in your designs i.e. brochures, pamphlets, fact sheets etc.

This can become very challenging when working with languages such as Burmese, Arabic and Thai, with complex writing systems that don't always display correctly. This is when we strongly recommend our professional typesetting services.

Whilst your graphic designer may understand English typesetting requirements, unless they are experienced in working with other languages, we don't recommend using your own graphic designer.

Our professional multilingual typesetters work with different scripts every day and know the requirements to ensure that all language scripts display correctly in all documents. If you don't engage someone who understands how other language scripts work, your professional translations may be published with errors, that go unnoticed by you - but they won't go unnoticed by your target audience.

Yes we can typeset Arabic and any language for that matter.

Yes we can typeset Adobe InDesign files for you. If you provide us with the working files, our multilingual typesetters can place translated text directly in your InDesign files.

Just mention this to our Account Managers and they will advise you on the best way to move forward with your project.

Depending on the number of files, languages and words in your project, typesetting can add a few extra days to the timeline of your project.

If you have an urgent deadline, let us know and we can expedite your project and still include typesetting, however please discuss this with our Account Management team who will be able to give you a more personalised timeline.

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